General conditions of seasonal rental


1. Booking and Payment

Access to Villa Sahar is only possible for people who have received written confirmation of their reservation, and after receiving, within a maximum period of fifteen days from the confirmation date, a deposit of at least 30% of the total confirmed amount.

For reservations made one month before the arrival date, the full rental price is due at the time of confirmation. VILLA SAHAR reserves the right to cancel any reservation for which the deposit or full payment has not been received. Payments are to be made by bank transfer to the order of VILLA SAHAR or any other person designated by VILLA SAHAR.

1.1 Balance Payment:

The balance must be paid no later than two (2) weeks before the start of the stay. Failure to pay the balance on time will result in the immediate cancellation of the reservation, which will be notified by email to the Client.

1.2 The Occupants:

Only the number of people listed at the time of booking and included in the reservation contract, except for express requests from the tenant to VILLA SAHAR, may occupy Villa Sahar.

1.3 Tenant’s Cancellation:

Any cancellation by the tenant, for any reason, will irrevocably result in the loss of the deposit already paid.

1.4 Cancellation by VILLA SAHAR:

Before the arrival date, any cancellation or modification of a confirmed and paid reservation will be notified to the client and will result in a full refund of the amounts already paid for the reservation.

2. Included Services and Personnel

2.1 The Villa Driver:

The driver provides round-trip airport transfers if necessary (this service is included in the rental price). Villa Sahar is available to Clients in full or in part, depending on the chosen package, at 3:00 PM on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 12:00 PM on the day of departure.

2.2 House Personnel:

A housekeeper

  • A Guard/Gardener, 24 hours a day.
  • A Maid, 7 days a week.
  • A Cook for meal preparation (breakfast – lunch – dinner)

During the stay, the house personnel are at the tenants’ service. It is understood that the personnel cannot serve snacks or meals at all hours of the day or night, as they start early in the morning for breakfast preparation.

2.3 The Gardener-Guard:

He is present every day. He maintains the garden and the pool. The tenant does not need to handle the technical installations. In the event of a significant issue, he will notify VILLA SAHAR.

2.4 Included Services:

Breakfast included
Round-trip airport transfer included
House linen

2.5 Services at an Additional Charge:

2.5.1 Catering Services

The catering service is available through our personal cook who prepares Moroccan or traditional recipes daily, respecting Moroccan traditions. Upon arrival, you will choose your menus from a wide selection of traditional Moroccan or international dishes.

Please inform us of any allergens. The cook cannot be held responsible in case of issues.

Meal prices:

  • Lunch (starter, main course, dessert) €15/person
  • Dinner (starter, main course, dessert) €15/person
  • Free for children under 10.

Alcoholic Beverages:
We do not have a license to purchase or transport alcohol for you. However, we are happy to keep it chilled and serve it for you. No corkage fee.

2.5.2 Additional Services with a Charge

Private driver for your excursions and activities (on request)
At home: Masseuse, SPA, Yoga & Coach (on request)
In Marrakech: Excursions, Guided Tours, Recommended Spots (on request)

3. Rental Conditions

3.1 The Occupants

Only the number of people listed at the time of booking may occupy the villa unless expressly requested and approved by VILLA SAHAR or its representative.

3.2 Moroccan Laws:

The tenant and occupants agree to comply with Moroccan laws, particularly those related to prostitution and drugs. It is especially noted that any relationship between a foreigner and a Moroccan outside of marriage is prohibited by law. Similarly, drug trade and consumption are strictly punished and subject to prison sentences. In case of violation of these laws, VILLA SAHAR or its representative reserves the right to immediately evict any offender from the villa, even before the end of the stay, without compensation.

3.3 Use of the Premises:

Villa Sahar must be occupied “as a responsible tenant.” Each Client/occupant must strive to maintain the tranquility of the Domain and avoid disturbing the neighbors. Proper behavior and attire are required out of respect for the customs and traditions of the country. Pets are not allowed. Villa Sahar is rented solely for temporary residence and leisure purposes, subletting is prohibited. The Client may check that their insurance policies include valid coverage for temporary stays in Morocco.

Any damage to movable property will be billed at replacement value. Damage to buildings will be billed for repair or replacement costs. Similarly, broken or damaged objects, furniture, or equipment whose wear exceeds normal usage for the rental period, and accessories returned dirty, will be subject to compensation at actual cost. The Client must report any damage discovered in the Villa, its outbuildings, or accessories immediately. The Client cannot refuse the inspection of the premises when requested by VILLA SAHAR or its representative. A joint inventory will be drawn up at the beginning and end of the stay. The security deposit will be returned on the departure date, less any amounts due for charges or repairs.

3.4 Condition of the Premises:

The Client “Tenant” accepts the premises in their condition at the time of entry. The tenant agrees to take all necessary measures to ensure that the occupants respect the premises provided. The principle of respecting the property should prevail, especially the respect for decorative elements left in place by the owner.

When taking possession of the rental, an inventory of the furniture is drawn up jointly by the Client and VILLA SAHAR or a representative of the owner. A joint inventory of the furniture will be drawn up by the parties at the end of the contract and upon your departure under the same conditions.

3.5 Security Deposit:

3.5.1 The Security Deposit:

The tenant will provide a security deposit of 300€ upon arrival, which will be returned no later than eight days after departure, less any amounts due for damages.

3.5.2 Refusal:

If the tenant refuses to pay the security deposit or its increase, VILLA SAHAR can refuse to hand over the keys. In this case, the rental is considered canceled and the amount of the deposit already paid remains the property of VILLA SAHAR.

3.5.3 Villa Access:

VILLA SAHAR or its representative reserves the right to enter the premises at any time to inspect the villa, garden, or swimming pool.